Completing a Correction Form - Signature Deficiencies for Epic - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Signature Deficiencies for Epic

Signature Deficiencies for Epic
Foundation 23.1

If a form is displayed when you submit a document to Workflow, complete the following steps.


If the document has already been submitted for corrections, the existing correction request is displayed in the right pane. Click the Exit Split-Screen button in the lower-left corner of the viewer to close the request form.

  1. Fill out the form in the viewer's right pane. Clearly explain the reason you are submitting the document for correction.
  2. Click the save or submit button on the form. A confirmation message is displayed.
  3. Click OK to close the confirmation. The form and document are sent to OnBase Workflow.
  4. If a correction note has been added to the document, you may be able to update the note text to describe your requested corrections. This note provides a visual indication that the document has been submitted for correction.