The following table provides a brief description of settings available for Signature Deficiencies in the SD4E.txt file.
Setting |
Description |
cacheLocation |
Enables local caching of physician locations. This setting specifies the user-defined location where the cache files are stored. For example: cacheLocation : c:\integrations\Epic\cacheFiles Use this setting in Citrix environments to allow Citrix servers to share the same cache files across multiple sessions. |
cachePhysicianTime |
Enables local caching of available physicians. If your system contains a large number of physicians, caching may improve the application's load time. Enter the number of minutes physicians should remain cached on the client workstation. For example: cachePhysicianTime : 2 |
chartAssigningAuthority |
Controls whether the Assigning Authority is used on the chart. If the system is configured to require the Chart Level Assigning Authority, this setting allows the configuration of a single Assigning Authority used to retrieve Epic charts. If the system is not configured to require the Chart Level Assigning Authority, when attempting to retrieve the chart by chtidnumber, one of the following occurs:
The value specified must be the chart level assigning authority for Epic charts used in your solution and formatted according to the following guidelines:
For example: chartAssigningAuthority : HIM See the section on Configuring Assigning Authorities within the HL7 Module documentation for more information. |
closeAfterLastDeficiency |
Controls whether the Signing window is automatically closed after the physician's last deficiency is signed. Valid values are true and false. |
declineOtherAvailable |
Controls whether the Other decline reason is available when the physician declines a deficiency. Valid values are true and false. |
dumpContextInformation and dumpDeficiencyInformation |
Controls whether the Analysis and Signing windows display the information being passed into and out of them. These settings are used for troubleshooting purposes. Valid values for both are true and false. |
enableServerSidePhysicianSearch |
Controls whether users are able to perform server-side physician searches in the Analysis window. Valid values are true and false. |
maxSearchResults |
Controls how many results are returned during a server-side physician search in the Analysis window. This setting has no effect on client-side physician searches. Valid values are positive integers. If this setting is not defined, the maximum number of results for server-side physician searches is 200. |
filterPhysiciansByFacility |
Controls whether the Physician list in the Analysis window is filtered to display only physicians who have privileges to treat at the current chart's facility. Valid values are true and false. |
physicianSort |
Controls whether physicians in the Physician list are ordered by their Signature Text, numerically by their Physician Numbers, or alphabetically by their Physician Numbers. Valid values are signaturename, physnumbernumeric, and physnumberalpha. If this setting is missing, physicians are ordered alphabetically by full name. physicianSort : physnumberalpha |
rejectionReason1, rejectionReason2, rejectionReason3, and rejectionReason4 |
Used to customize the reasons listed in the Enter Decline Reason dialog box. Valid values are the intended text for the decline reason. If the value is hidden, the decline reason is not displayed in the dialog box. rejectionReason1 : Incomplete chart rejectionReason2 : hidden |