Scanning Integrations - Signature Deficiencies for Epic - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Signature Deficiencies for Epic

Signature Deficiencies for Epic
Foundation 23.1

You can configure the Scan Acquisition Server (SAS) or Front Office Scanning (FOS) integration to connect to the correct OnBase system for import. When notifying Epic of a new document, the SAS or FOS integration sends Epic both the document handle and the Facility ID for the system where the document has been stored.

Note: For proper integration with Epic, the Facility ID mapped in OnBase must be configured in Epic. If you are a current Epic customer, you can request the Configuring Epic for OnBase guide from Hyland through your first line of support.
Note: In an environment with multiple OnBase systems integrating with one Epic system, the primary OnBase system does not have a Facility ID defined. A Facility ID value of NONE refers to this primary system.

When integrating with Epic Hyperdrive using a SMART on FHIR launch of the SAS or FOS client, the environmentID element in the command line interface determines which system to connect to and upload documents to. To successfully launch the SAS or FOS client, you must configure the EpicIntegrations.config file to include exactly one matching value for each environmentID element provided on the command line. If this element is not provided on the command line, you must also remove it from the EpicIntegrations.config file.

When integrating Epic with the SAS or FOS client using the COM integration, the location and environmentID elements in the EpicIntegrations.config file determine which OnBase system to connect to and upload documents to.

To configure a SAS or FOS client launch:

  1. Open the EpicIntegrations.config file that resides in the same directory as the scanning DLLs for SAS or FOS.
  2. Locate the <servers> element under <OBEpicViewer>.
  3. Under <servers>, add or modify a <server> element to include the following child elements:




    The location is a value provided by Epic. In a multi-facility system, Epic may associate each facility with a different location value.

    Note: The SMART on FHIR integration does not use the location parameter. Do not include the location parameter in the command line for SMART on FHIR launches.


    The environmentID is a value provided by Epic for the environment ID you want to map.


    The url is the Application Server URL to connect to for the specified location.


    The datasource is the name of the connection string to use on the specified Application Server.

  4. Using these child elements, map an Epic location to the appropriate OnBase data source.

    The following is an example of an Epic location mapping for the COM integration:

    <location>Emergency Room West</location>
    <datasource>OB PRD</datasource>
    Note: The SMART on FHIR integration does not use the location parameter.
  5. When mapping an Epic location to the OnBase data source, also note the following for COM integrations:
    • You can use a combination of locations and environment IDs to archive documents to different OnBase systems. If Epic sends OnBase a location value and an environment ID that are mapped to different OnBase systems, then the system mapped to the location value will be used.

    • If a value contains a <, >, or &, then the value must be enclosed in CDATA tags. For example, if the location is X&Y, then the <location> element would use the following format: <location><![CDATA[ X&Y ]]></location>. Otherwise, the CDATA tags can be omitted.

  6. Repeat as follows:
    • For COM integrations, create a <server> element for every possible environmentID and location combination that is expected from Epic.
    • For SMART on FHIR integrations, create a <server> element for each environmentID that is expected from Epic.
      Note: The SMART on FHIR integration does not use the location parameter. Only create <server> elements for each unique environmentID.
  7. Save EpicIntegrations.config.