Processing Chartless Documents - Signature Deficiencies for Epic - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Signature Deficiencies for Epic

Signature Deficiencies for Epic
Foundation 23.1

If your system has many documents in Chartless Documents (which may occur when documents are imported into OnBase before charts are created by HL7), then users with Medical Records Administration Privileges can create a task that will attach the orphan documents to their respective charts.

The Medical Records Orphan Documents Processor task is configured in the Unity Management Console (see the Unity Scheduler module reference guide for general information on scheduled tasks). When active, the Orphan Documents Processor monitors unattached medical record documents and attached them to corresponding charts as soon as those charts are created.


When deploying multiple services, a single Task or Task Group can be used, or multiple Task Groups can be used if needed.

To create a orphaned documents review task:

  1. Select Medical Records Orphan Documents Processor from the drop-down list when prompted to select the type of task you want to create.

    You can create multiple Medical Records Orphan documents Processor tasks, however, only one task will run at a time.

  2. Click Next. The next page of the wizard warns you that the HL7 Listener service must be restarted in order for the processor to run.
  3. Click Next. The next page allows you to assign User Groups to the task.