Configuring Signature Locations - Signature Pad Interface (TWAIN) - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Signature Pad Interface (TWAIN)

Signature Pad Interface (TWAIN)
Foundation 23.1

To configure signature locations:

  1. Select Admin | Signature Administration | Configure Signature Locations.
  2. The Signature Configuration dialog box is displayed:
  3. Right-click Signature Pad Locations and select Add Document Type.
  4. Select a Document Type and click Apply.
  5. The left pane of the Signature Configuration dialog box displays the selected Document Type:
  6. Double-click [SAMPLE FILE PATH].
  7. Navigate to an image file that is similar to the images being used in the selected Document Type and click Open.
  8. Right-click [SAMPLE FILE PATH] and select View File. The image you selected is displayed in the right pane:
  9. Right-click New Signature and select Edit.
  10. Type a name for the new signature and press the Enter key.
  11. Click the + symbol next to the name of the signature to configure the following options:


    Default Location


    Double-click to specify whether the signature is going to be an auto redact signature.

    • Yes- The redacted image is automatically created after the signature is captured.

    • No- The redacted image must be created manually after the signature is captured. Users are able to change the position of the captured signature on the image before creating the redacted image.


    Double-click to display a drop-down list containing the following options:

    • Apply to All Pages- The signature is applied to all pages in a multi-page document. When this option is selected, the Apply to All Pages check box is automatically selected in the Signature Capture dialog box.

    • Apply to Current Page- The signature is applied to the page the user is currently viewing.

    • Apply to Specific Page- The signature is applied to a specific page in a multi-page document.

  12. Right-click the image and select Add Location.
  13. A box is displayed on the image:
  14. Select this box and drag it to the position on the image where you want the signature to be applied. The Top, Bottom, Left, and Right coordinates are updated based on the location of the box. If necessary, you can resize the box. To undo, right-click the box and select Undo.

    Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out toolbar buttons to zoom in or out. If you are configuring signature locations for a multi-page image document, use the Previous Page and Next Page toolbar buttons to view the signature on different pages.

    To specify coordinates, double-click the box to display the Signature Locations dialog box. Enter values in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right fields. If the signature is configured to Apply to Specific Page, the Page field is enabled and a page number can be entered.

  15. When the box is properly placed, right-click it and select Save Location. To delete the box, right-click it and select Delete Location.
  16. Repeat steps 12 to 15 to add additional signature locations for the signature you created in step 9. You can also right-click and select Duplicate to copy an existing signature location.
  17. To create additional signatures, right-click Signatures and select Add Signature. Repeat steps 9 to 15 to configure locations for the new signature.