Currency - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

Currency Format



Select the first radio button to display negative amounts with a minus sign. Use the second option to display negative amounts enclosed in parentheses.

Remove insignificant zeros

Strips leading zeros, which appear on the left side of the decimal point. This option is active by default.

Convert zero to blank

If this setting is selected, any time a 0 value is encountered, it will display a blank value.

Use commas

Inserts a comma as a thousandths separator. This option is active by default.

Minus sign after amount

Moves a negative symbol (-) to the end of a negative currency amount or removes parenthesis around a negative currency and places a negative symbol (-) after the amount.

Currency symbol

Adds the symbol or characters specified in the edit box to the beginning of a currency amount.

Symbol after amount

Adds the symbol or characters specified in the edit box to the end of a currency amount.