Number - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

Number Format


Strip leading zeros

Removes zeros preceding an integer. This option is active by default.

Convert zero to blank

If this setting is selected, any time a 0 value is encountered, it will display a blank value.

No masking

Enters number as it is formatted in the host file.

Whole number only

Only displays the whole number part of any number value. For example, a value of 134.234 will be displayed on the statement as 134 when this formatting option is selected.

Social Security Number

Inserts a dash (-) at the 4th and 7th position of a number.

Zip code

Inserts a dash (-) between the 5th and 6th position of a number.

Custom mask

Replaces Ns with numbers and inserts static characters where indicated in the string. To use an "N" as a static character, enter a /N. This method can also be used to format a floating point number by using the decimal point as a static character.