Sort/Filter Tab - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

These options are active when configuring repeating data types.

  1. Select a field name and filter criteria from the drop-down lists in the Filter Information section. Enter the value on which to evaluate the filter in the edit field. Only records matching the filter criteria are added to the statement. The filter does not check the case of the incoming data unless the Case sensitive filter check box is selected.
    Sort options may have been set when the field was originally added to the .odf file. Sort information overrides previous settings, as indicated by selecting the Override default sorting check box.
  2. Select a primary field from the Sort field 1 drop-down list and select the direction of the sort from the Sort operation drop-down list.

Sort field 2 and Sort field 3 are optional levels of sorting within Sort field 1.