Filter Information - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

In the Filter information section, field name and filter information can be configured. To configure the filter, click the Editor button. The Line item filter condition dialog box opens. In this dialog box, Base Object Fields, Global Static Fields, Mathematical Operators, Join operators, and/or Formatting Codes can be selected to configure the filter. For more information about these options, see Filter Options. The value to use as the filter must be entered in the Filter field. Only records matching the filter criteria are added to the statement. An example of a valid filter would be: [Date] = "10/18/2002". This filter would only allow the date 10/18/2002 and its subsequent information to be displayed on the statement. If you wanted only dates equal to 10/18/2002 and 11/18/2002, the following would be a valid filter: [Date] = "10/18/2002" or [Date] = "11/18/2002". Only those records that contain these two dates and their subsequent information would be displayed on the statement if the values exist in the data text file.