Sort Information - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

Sort options may have been set when the field was originally added to the .odf file. Sort information overrides previous settings, as indicated by selecting the Override default sorting check box.

The Use order from input file check box feeds the records into the data stream in the order that they are found in the process file.

Select a primary field from the Sort field 1 drop-down list and select the direction of the sort from the Sort operation drop-down list.

The Use skip indicator check box lets you mark a break in the data with a character specified in the Indicator character field. The Show indicator on item after skip check box allows you to specify that you want the skip indicator character to be placed after skipped records. If this check box is not selected, the skip indicator will be placed before skipped records. For example, if you have a checking statement that is missing check 110 and this check box is selected, the skip indicator character will display the skip indicator character next to check number 111. If is not checked, the skip indicator character will display next to check number 109. The specific text to describe the skip indicator is configured on the Header/Footer tab. See Header/Footer Tab for more information.

Sort field 2 and Sort field 3 are optional levels of sorting within Sort field 1.