Formatting a Text Box - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1
  1. In the Insert external static text item dialog box, select the field you want to place on the statement.
  2. Click the Insert selected field button. The External text formatting options dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select the corresponding radio button for the type of data you are formatting: Text, Currency, Date, or Number.
  4. Select other appropriate formatting options. For detailed information concerning each option, see External Text Formatting Options.
  5. Click OK to accept your settings or Cancel to discard the settings and return to the Insert external static text item dialog box.
    The code for the selected fields is now displayed in the box below the Text attributes section.
  6. Select the appropriate formatting options for text in the Text attributes section. The options are explained in the following table:

    Text Attribute



    Select the font that will be used to display the text on the printed statement from the drop-down list.


    Select the size of the font that will be used to display the text on the printed statement from the drop-down list.


    Select one or a combination of effects that will be reflected in the text on the printed statement:

    • Italics: The text will display in italics.

    • Underline: The text will display underlined.

    • Bold: The text will display in boldface type.

    • Strikeout: The text will display with a horizontal line through the middle of it.

    • Transparent

    • Pinned


    Select the color of the font that will be used to display the text on the printed statement using the Color button.

  7. Select any further text options from the options underneath the Text attributes section:



    Plain text

    Select this radio button to indicate that the text configured will display on the statement as text, rather than a bar code. The following options may be used when Plain Text is selected:

    • Word wrap

    • Flowed text

    Postnet bar code

    Select this radio button to encode the text configured in a PostNET bar code. This type of bar code is used to encode ZIP code information.

    Code 39 bar code

    Select this radio button to encode the text configured in a 3 of 9 bar code. This type of bar code is used to encode alphanumeric data. The following options may be used when Code 39 bar code is selected:

    • Text under bar code: Select this option to display the text configured in the bar code as plain text below the bar code. Select the font and font size.

    • Rotate 90o : Select this option to rotate the bar code 90 degrees.

    Auto-suppress if no records exist

    The Auto-suppress if no records exist check box suppresses the object when there is not a value to fill that object, so that the static text that may exist within the object does not display. The object's white space within the configured layout will still exist.

  8. Continue to Insert Tab Item Button and/or Function Editor Button as necessary for more options.
  9. When finished, click OK to insert the static text item and exit the dialog box.