Function Editor Button - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

The Function editor>> button displays the Function editor dialog box. This allows the user to format data with specific types of tools for mathematical operations, tabbing and formatting codes. See the Function Reference Guide.

The Function Editor is a tool for modifying objects by substituting text with values computed from arguments. The Function Editor applies only to static and external text objects.

Function Category


Base object fields

Displays all of the fields for the selected external text object. Not available for static text.

Global static fields

Displays all of the fields for every object that is static existing in the loaded .odf file.

Expression indicators

Displays a list of expressions and operators that can be applied to calculate a value. See Function Reference Guide for details.

Mathematical functions

Mathematical operators


Aggregate functions

This option allows you to calculate statistics for objects. These statistics include sum (sum()), average (avg()), minimum (min()), maximum (max()), and count (count ()). When using the count aggregate function, you must also use the calc() expression indicator. The following format should be followed for the count aggregate function: {calc( count(condition))}

These functions are available when configuring line items and totals.


The Keyword option is available when a balance descriptor is configured in the associated .odf file. The following keywords are available: AVERAGE(average daily balance), DAY(number of days from first transaction to last transaction), FIRST(balance on first day), and LAST(balance on last day). The Keyword option is used in conjunction with the Expression indicators option.

Formatting Codes

Displays the External text formatting options dialog box for modifying the appearance of computed value. Format codes can also be applied to field names within an expression.

Tab Codes

Displays the Tab item format dialog box for specifying the location of the computed value. The Tab Codes option is not available in a data stream.