Inserting - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1
  1. Click Insert and select Image, or click the Image button on the Insert toolbar, or right-click on the statement and select Insert object | Image.
  2. Place the pointer on the statement in the area where you want the image, click the left mouse button and drag. Release the mouse button when you are satisfied with the size of the area for the image.
  3. On the Insert static image box, click the Browse button to navigate to the image file.
  4. On the Open window, change the Files of type: drop-down to the appropriate file extension.

    Use the Look in: drop-down to find the disk location of your file. When you have highlighted the file name click Open and OK on the Insert static image box, or

    click Cancel to return to the Insert static image box without making a file selection.

  5. If your image contains color but your configuration does not, the Dithering method... box is displayed. You can select Grayscale to display your image in shades of gray, or Bitonal to display your image in black and white.