Formatting - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1
  1. Type the text for the statement in the Text area on the Insert static text object dialog box.
  2. Choose the appropriate formatting options. The Example box displays how the text will look with the formatting options you have configured. Click OK to accept the settings; the text is displayed on the statement. Click Preview to see the text in another window, including the example values for all indicator fields (which can only be foreign static fields in this case). Click Cancel to discard the settings.
  3. The Function editor>> button allows the user to format data with specific types of tools for mathematical operations, tabbing and formatting codes. See Function Editor Button for details.
  4. You can modify the formatting options at any time by right-clicking over the box and selecting Properties. Holding the pointer over the box for several seconds and clicking the Modify button on the pop-up box also achieves this. On the Insert static text object, select the font name, size, effects, and color (if color is not supported the Color button is grayed out).

Other formatting options for static text are available from the right-click menu.

The following is a description of each effect available:




Displays text in an italics style.


Underlines text.


Emphasizes text with a bold style.


Places a black line through the text.


Puts no white background shading behind the text within the static text object. This option is useful when you want to place a colored background or image directly behind text. This option does not put a white box around text and allows underlying background shading and images to show through.


Allows the text to appear in the same place on all pages.