Viewing Suppression Associations - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

You can identify objects that are linked together. These objects are linked objects.

You can identify objects that will be suppressed based on the selected object's suppression. To identify objects that will be suppressed, right-click on the selected object and select Highlight linked Objects: | Display objects that are suppressed by this object. Objects that are suppressed by the selected object are highlighted in purple.

You can identify objects that can suppress the selected object. To identify objects that can be suppressed, right-click on the selected object and select Highlight linked Objects: | Display objects that suppress this object. Objects that suppress the selected object are highlighted in purple.

If nothing is highlighted in purple when either of these options are executed, there are no objects that match the selected option's description.