Document Options - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

The Document options dialog box contains options that apply to the current statement file. To access these options, select Configure | Document options.

Available options are described in the following table:

Document Option


Font name

Sets the default font used for the statement layout.

Font size

Sets the default font size used for the statement layout .


Sets attributes of the font. The attributes that can be set are:

  • Bold

  • Underline

  • Italics

  • Strikeout

  • Transparent

Line thickness

Sets the default line thickness of lines and shapes drawn on a statement layout.

Line style

Sets the default line style of the lines and shapes drawn on a statement layout.

Text and line defaults follow object property changes

Sets the formatting properties for objects on the statement.

Color archive

Sets rendered color pages to be stored in a selected image format. This allows for better compression, but decreased image quality. The following options are available:

  • PNG

  • JPEG

  • BMP (not compressed for full color)


The JPEG and BMP image format options are not respected when viewing documents in the Web Client or the Unity Client. Documents with the JPEG or BMP image format options selected display using the PNG image format when viewed in the Web Client and Unity Client.

JPEG image quality (rendering color documents)

Sets the quality of the JPEG image. Enter a value between 1-100 to indicate image quality. The higher the number, the higher the quality and image file size.

Override default DPI

Overrides the default DPI. Enter the DPI value you want to use in the field. The default DPI may vary by system. Typically, the default DPI is 96.

Limit color to first page only

Allows the first page to be rendered in full color with all following pages rendered in monochrome.

Optimize Thick Client printing for PostScript printers (improves printing speed)

Sends the image to the selected printer as Postscript commands instead of raster data. If the printer supports Postscript commands, this option spools to the printer at an increased speed.

Reduce number of columns in data stream when possible

Suppresses columns in a table that are not used.

Use wide dimensions for Code 39 bar codes

Increases the width of the bar codes generated on a statement. The height of the bar codes will be 0.35 inches.

Some scanners require wider width for 3 of 9 bar codes to be accurately read.

Render device for display

Specifies a printer to be used as the render device for display.

This option only specifies the printer device to use for rendering documents in the appropriate resolution. Documents do not have to be printed through the specified device.

For more information on configuring a printer as the render device for display, see Configuring the Render Device for Display Option.