Objects Menu - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

Objects Menu Option


Import definition file

Loads an existing .odf file into the Designer. Only imports file types with .odf extension.

Create/edit object definitions

Creates a blank .odf file or opens an existing .odf file in the Object Definition Editor for modifications. When opening an existing file, a read-only view of the file is displayed in the Current object definition tree window. Click OK to load the file into the editor.

Indicator field configuration

Available when an .odf file is loaded into the Designer. Displays the Indicator lookup fields dialog box. To replace a field's value with text, highlight the field name and click Add. Enter the value (indicator lookup) to search in the Lookup key edit field. Enter the text with which to replace the field's value in the Replace with text box. If the Match if contains check box is selected, any field value that contains the text entered in the Lookup key text box will be replaced with the value in the Replace with text box. If the Match if contains check box is not selected, the value entered in the Lookup key text box must exactly match a field value in order for that value to be replaced with the value entered in the Replace with text box. Click Save when finished. Follow these steps to add multiple lookup keys for the same field or to add lookup keys for other fields. The <<Previous and Next>> buttons scroll through previously configured keys.

An example of how this might be useful is when a number in the data file represents a type of statement. For example, the number 3100 might represent a Checking Account statement type. Using the indicator lookup would allow you to replace every instance of 3100 with the text Checking Account in the processing statement.

Write Object Definition File

Available when an .odf file is loaded into the Designer. Opens the Save as window for writing .odf file changes to disk.

View object tree

Opens a read-only view of the file in the Current object definition tree window.

Object usage verification report

Displays information about objects not in use.

Object definition report

Generates a formatted version of the .odf file and sends it to the device selected in the Print dialog box.

Class of service analysis...

Creates a report that lists all the values for Class of Service found in a specified data file. This option makes it easier to find all Class of Service values in an .odf file; therefore, configuring Document Distribution settings is much easier.

Use this option with an .odf file that has a Class of Service field defined. Specify a text file that is used with the .odf file.

Preview Field values

Allows you to view the distinct values for a mapped data file after the data file has been mapped. Select the mapped data file from its directory to display the Preview Field Value dialog box, from which you can use the Field to Preview drop-down select list to select a field to preview from the list of unique entries found in the data file.

Unload object definitions

Closes the .odf file. If modifications were made to the file, the user is prompted with the option to save changes.