Statement Right-Click Menu - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

Right-clicking a blank area on the statement produces a shortcut menu for working with objects. Some of these options are also available when right-clicking on an object. All options are explained in the table below.



Insert object | Static text

Displays the Insert static text object dialog box. Enables you to enter text directly onto the statement

Insert object | Line

The cursor becomes a cross. Drag the cursor across the statement to draw a line. Properties such as line style, line thickness, and color can be set by right-clicking on the object and selecting Properties.

Insert object | Rectangle

The cursor becomes a cross. Drag the cursor across the statement to draw a static rectangle. Properties such as line style, line thickness, color, and grouping can be set by right-clicking on the object and selecting Properties.

Insert object | Bounding rectangle

The cursor becomes a cross. Drag the cursor across the statement to draw a bounding rectangle. A bounding rectangle differs from the static rectangle because the bounding rectangle will resize to accommodate the size of the objects within it. This is especially useful when using data streams where you do not know how long a text line will actually be for every statement.

Properties such as line style, line thickness, and color can be set by right-clicking on the object and selecting Properties.

Insert object | Image

The cursor becomes a cross. Drag the cursor across the statement to draw a rectangle. Release the mouse button to display the Insert static image box to browse to the image file.

Insert object | Date/time

The cursor becomes a cross. Drag the cursor across the statement to display the Insert date/time field object dialog box. Displays the time the statement is processed in the document management system.

Insert object | Page info

Displays the Insert page information field object dialog box for including page numbers on the statement.

Insert object | External object | Text box

Displays the Insert external static text item dialog box. External static text is read from the .odf file and written to the statement.

Insert object | External object | Conditional Text box

Opens the Modify conditional external text item dialog box. Conditional external text can be inserted into a statement providing flexibility in the text displayed dependent on defined parameters.

Insert object | External object | Data stream

Displays the Insert data stream object dialog box. Data streams are fed from the information in the .odf file. This option is enabled when a repeating object is configured in the currently loaded odf file.

Insert object | External object | Chart

Drag the pointer across the statement to draw a rectangle. Release the mouse button to display the Insert data chart object dialog box. Static, sticky, and linked data uses a pie chart format; repeating data uses a bar chart format.

Insert object | Control point

Displays the Control point properties dialog box.

Insert object | Background shading

Click the left mouse button on the statement and drag the pointer across the statement to draw a rectangle. Release the mouse button to display the Add background shading dialog box.

Paste object

Places a previously cut or copied object onto the statement.

Show/Hide grid

Toggle option to display or hide a background grid for aligning objects.

Show/Hide guidelines

Toggle option to display or hide guidelines previously added.

Stacked objects

Select this to work with objects that overlap each other (stacked objects). When this option is selected by right-clicking on stacked objects, you will be able to select one of the stacked objects. The selected object will flash red, and the other stacked objects will be dimmed. This enables the user to work on only the selected object without needing to move the other stacked objects.

To reset the objects to their stacked state, select Reset display. When the Stacked objects option is selected by right-clicking on a blank part of the statement, Reset display is the only option available.

Pin layers

Toggle option to display only the objects pinned to the layer selected. Available layers are All, First page, Second page, Interior pages, Last page, Even pages, and Odd pages. Selecting any of these options will not affect the output. This feature is only designed to aid in statement design.

Undo last action

Reverses the last action taken.


Reloads the statement to display changes.