Overview - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

An .odf file is typically created using the Object Definition Editor interface in Statement Composition. This file serves as a map between the host file and the statement layout by identifying objects in the .odf file with unique IDs that exist (.txt).


It is also possible to create an .odf file with a text editor manually and import it into the Object Definition Editor.

The Statement Designer - Object Definition Editor window is split into two sections. The left half of the screen displays the objects that have been configured; the right half displays icons for working with the object file.

Each new file has several default entries:



Object definitions

As objects are configured, they are listed beneath this heading, preceded with a wrench icon,

Balance descriptor

The .odf file configuration that communicates to the process how to calculate the balance on any given day within the statement period. This consists of the starting balance and date, optional ending balance and date, and a list of indicators for all of the credit and debit type transactions.

Process configuration

Identification strings and document type configuration screen for the COLD process.

Distribution keywords

Used to tie keywords assigned at the field level to Process ID Keywords for Document Distribution. Double-click the keyword to select a corresponding distribution keyword. These distribution keywords are matched to Customer Identification Keywords on the Customer Information record, which specifies the method of distribution.

Match item filter

Used to create a filter to apply to the record set used in creating an Image Statements match file. Speeds processing and helps prevent crippled image statements. Also provides a mechanism for suppressing match file generation and secondary document searches.

The bottom window in this diagram displays a configured file. All configured objects and fields will exist below the Object Definitions item. All tasks are launched from the Tasks right pane or from the Tasks menu bar.