Adding a New Field - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

No two fields within the same object can have the same name.

  1. From the Add new object—step 1 dialog box, click the Next>> button to continue to the Add new object—step 2 dialog box.
  2. To add a field, click the Add new field button. The Add field dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter a Field name that describes the data field being processed. The field name can consist of up to 60 characters.
  4. Select the Data Type that will fill this field . Choose from String, Currency, Date and Number.
    • String data type consists of all alphanumeric characters.

    • Currency data type is a numeric data type; the last two digits comprise the decimal amount.

    • Date data type is a date in the format specified in the DATEHINT tag, which is configured in the Modify object definition collection dialog box.

    • Number data types are integers or masked floating point numbers.

  5. Sort Rank determines the order of the field in the list. This can be changed at anytime by modifying the field.
  6. Sort Method sorts repeating data objects.
    • None: Data is fed to the statement in the order it is taken from the file. No sorting is applied unless it is configured on the object in the Designer.

    • Ascending: Data is fed to the statement in increasing numeric/alphabetic order.

    • Descending: Data is fed to the statement in decreasing numeric/alphabetic order.

    • Non-sorting: Data will not be re-sorted from its original order, even if a sort option is configured for the object in the Statement Designer.

    You can set sort options for data streams (see Sort/Filter Tab) and charts (see Sort/Filter Tab) within the Statement Composition module. The settings in the Statement Designer override the settings in the Object Definition Editor. When viewing the properties pop-up box for the object, the Sorting mode is Overridden.

  7. The Example field lets you enter test data to load onto the statement when viewing it in the Designer. This is not a default value and will not be printed or displayed on a document once it is processed into OnBase.
  8. Select the applicable options, described below.




    The Assign Keywords button displays the Field Keyword Associations dialog box. This box lets you specify one or multiple Keyword Types from OnBase in which to store the value from this field. The data type specified in the Object Definition Editor must match the data type specified in the Keyword Type Settings dialog box in OnBase. When correlating a field to an existing Keyword Type from OnBase, keep in mind that maximum record length for the field should be equal to or smaller than the maximum length configured in the Keyword Type Settings dialog box (in the Configuration module) to prevent the value from being truncated.

    The following default Keyword Type is available:

    >>Document Date - configures a field's value to populate the document date.

    Matching field

    The Matching Field drop-down list allows you to choose from a list of keywords to map to an Image Statement match file. Refer to Configuring Statement Type Settings in the Image Statement module's documentation for further details.

    The Perform indicator lookups for this matching field check box allows you to enable a field to perform configured indicator lookups before matching occurs.

    Recipient Field:

    The Recipient Field drop-down list is a means for feeding the data from this field into the Customer Information dialog box in the Client module. Refer to the Adding Customer Information with Statement Designer related topic for further information.


    The Locations section, define the starting column for the data in the Record start column field. Define the number of characters composing the field in the Record length edit field.

    Class of service indicator field

    Since multiple statement layout files can be used with a single host file, the Class of service identifier field check box allows you to indicate a field that will determine which statement layout file should apply to a record in the process file. There can be only one class of service indicator field per .odf file. Once one is selected, this check box is deactivated for other fields.


    A Class of Service identifier must be specified in an .odf file in order for statements to be successfully processed into OnBase.

    For field value assignments made in the Keyword:, Matching field:, Recipient field: sections, these assignments can be formatted individually. Formatting applied to these assignments will appear in OnBase in the areas directly affected by the assignments. For example, if you format the Keywords: assignment, those formatting options will display in the keyword value for that specific Keyword Type associated with a statement. To format values for the Matching field: and Recipient field: assignments, click the ellipsis button ( … ). To format the Keywords: assignment, click the Keyword Type name in the Field Keyword Associations dialog box. The External text formatting options dialog box is displayed. In this dialog box, you can choose many options for displaying values. For further information concerning these options, see Formatting a Chart.

  9. If the field is the DATE Data Type, formatting can be entered in the Date Hint field, which overrides the global date hint setting. For more information about the global date hint setting, see Creating the .odf File.
  10. In the Locations section, define the starting column for the data in the Record start column field. Define the number of characters composing the field in the Record length edit field.
  11. Click OK when finished and the field is added to the Fields Added list in the Add new object—step 2 dialog box. Cancel returns you to the Add new object—step 2 dialog box without adding the field.
  12. To continue adding fields to the same object, click the Add new field button. To return to the Add new object—step 1 dialog box to change the name, ID or object type, click the <<Previous button. To return to the Statement Designer—Object Definition Editor window, click Finish.
  13. When you are finished adding fields, save your file by clicking the Save and Exit icon.
  14. In the Save As box, the file type defaults to object definition files (*.odf). This is the required file type extension.
  15. Navigate to the location to save your file, enter a File name.
  16. Click Save.

    You can only add fields in this section. You can modify a field in the Object Definition Editor after it has been added. See Working with Fields for more information.

You cannot enter the same Name or ID for multiple objects. If this happens, an Invalid entry message box is displayed.