Creating the .odf File - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

After analyzing the host program and data file, the next step is to build the object file and map it to the fields in the data file. This can be done using a text editor, such as Notepad, but it is commonly built through the interface in Statement Composition. The exact order and placement of objects relative to the host file is critical. Follow these steps to open the Object Definition Editor and begin creating the .odf file.

  1. Within Statement Composition, select Objects | Create/edit object definitions... The Create/edit object definitions dialog box is displayed.

    If an .odf file is not loaded, the Edit the current object definitions button is not active, and the Create new object definition file is selected by default.

  2. Click OK to start creating the new .odf file. The Statement Designer - Object Definition Editor is displayed.
  3. Select Object definitions in the Tasks window and either select Modify... from the right-click menu or click the Modify icon. The Modify object definition collection dialog box is displayed.

    The Parse file type, Record ID length and Date format hint define the type of host file, the length of the record ID and instructions for parsing dates. The defaults are Standard file type, four character Record ID length and no date hint.

  4. Select the Parse file type.
    • Standard format is an ASCII text file with fixed length fields in set positions.

    • Variable format has variable length data with a specific delimiter character.

  5. Indicate the length of the ID string that precedes each line in the host file in the Record ID length field.
  6. TheDate field parsing section lets you specify the format of a date in the file. This is only required if you have a date field in one of the objects you are defining. You must use the symbols provided. For example, if your date is formatted as 02/21/2002, enter %d/%m/%c in the Date format hint: edit field.
  7. When finished, click OK.

You now have an empty Object Definition File to which you add object and field definitions.