Excluding Data - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

If you are generating match file information used in conjunction with a statement type, you can use the <Match item filter> to exclude data from the match file.

To exclude data from the match file:

  1. In the Object Definition Editor, click <Match item filter> .
  2. Click Modify in the Tasks pane. The Match file physical item filter dialog box is displayed.
  3. In the Items excluded from generated match file: section, select the appropriate record from the Record drop-down list. All configured objects are available and are listed in alphabetically order. By default, the first object in the list is displayed in the field.
  4. Select the appropriate field from the Field drop-down list. All configured fields for the selected Record(Object) are available and are listed in alphabetical order. By default, the first field in the list for the record is displayed in the field.
  5. Select the appropriate condition from the Condition drop-down list. The available conditions are:
    • equal to

    • not equal to

    • greater than

    • greater than or equal

    • less than

    • less than or equal

    • contains

    • member of set

  6. Enter the value(s) in the Values field that you want excluded from the match file.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click OK when all appropriate records have been added.

When a record that matches the match item filter criteria is encountered, that record is omitted from the match file information and the next record is evaluated.

There are many instances when this feature may be helpful. For example, when you have a host file that contains data from multiple months, but you only want to access data from the current month, this feature could be used to exclude all months except the current month.