Reconciling ODF Files - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

If you have an old ODF that has Keyword Type, distribution keyword, Document Type, or Distribution information that you would like to bring into a new ODF file. To bring information into a new ODF:

  1. From the Statement Designer, select Objects | Reconcile document/keyword types. The Previous ODF File dialog box is displayed.
  2. Browse to the appropriate ODF file.
  3. Click OK. The Success dialog box is displayed.

    The Success dialog box lists all of the associations that were found in the file

  4. To save the changes to the new ODF, click Yes.

Keyword Type, match field, and distribution field settings are based on Record ID and the field name. In order for an association of any of these types to be brought into the new ODF file, a field in the old ODF must match both the Record ID and the field name in the new ODF file. When a match is encountered, the values from the old ODF will be copied to the new ODF file.