Distribution Keywords and Recipient Information - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

This section is a two-step process. The first step is to configure recipient information for fields from the Recipient field: drop-down menu in the Add field dialog box. Recipient field assignments are mapped to populate Customer Information components in the Client module, accessed for document distribution purposes, when distribution keywords are configured in the Object Definition Editor.


Fields mapped as recipient fields must belong to a static object. If the object is not static, the recipient information will not populate successfully in the Client module.

The second step is assigning distribution keywords. This is accomplished by clicking <Distribution keywords> in the Object Definition Editor and clicking Modify. Select Keytype name(s)(Keyword Types) that are have been used as ID Keywords in the appropriate distribution process, and assign them to Distribution keytypes(recipient fields) that have been configured for the first step of this section. This assignment allows a distribution process to be selected so it can be determined whether the information from the Recipient field: assignments are to be used to create a new record or if the information is to be used to update an existing record. Customer Information ID strings must be unique. If an ID string is not unique, any information pertaining to the same ID string will overwrite previous information associated with the ID string. For more information about distribution keywords, see Distribution Keywords.