Matching Fields - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

The following matching fields are available when configuring fields in the .odf file.

Matching Field


Account number *

This is the account number associated with the statement.

Check number *

This is the check number found in a record. There can be multiple check numbers if the object is a repeating object.

Amount *

This is the amount of the transaction in a record.

Post date *

This is the date the check posted.

Trancode *

This is a number that identifies the type of transaction a record is. The meaning of number values varies by institution.

Tracer number

This is a number that is used that is unique to each check.

Front/back flag *

This flag signals whether the front or the front and back of a check will be printed.

Print format *

This field determines which print format secondary documents will be printed with.

Alias format name

This is the alias statement type in the Image Statements module that will be used. An alias statement type specifies a secondary statement type configuration that is executed with the distribution process. It can be any Statement Type configured in OnBase.

First OMR

This setting marks the first page of a statement. This setting uses OnBase and the Image Statements module to generate the OMR mark during the rendering process. See the Image Statements documentation for further information.

Middle OMR

This setting marks the middle pages of a statement. This setting uses OnBase and the Image Statements module to generate the OMR mark during the rendering process. See the Image Statements documentation for further information.

Last OMR

This setting marks the last page of a statement. This setting uses OnBase and the Image Statements module to generate the OMR mark during the rendering process. See the Image Statements documentation for further information.

From date

This is the starting date for the date range of checks that will be included in the match file.

To date

This is the ending date for the date range of checks that will be included in the match file.

Institution #

This is the institution number associated with the statement.