Recipient Fields - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

Recipient fields are used in conjunction with the Document Distribution module and Customer Information in the Client module. The following recipient fields are available when configuring fields in the .odf file.

Recipient Field


Customer Name

Populates the Recipient Name in the Customer Information dialog box. This recipient field must be assigned. Failure to assign this field will result in no customer information being recognized or saved.

E-mail Address

Populates the E-mail field in the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

Fax Number

Populates the Fax Number field in the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

Street Address 1

Populates the first Address field in the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

Street Address 2

Populates the second Address field in the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

Street Address 3

Populates the third Address field in the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

Customer ID

Populates the Customer Identification String in the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

Customer class of service

Specifies the class of service a customer belongs to. If this value differs from the class of service specified for the layout (determined by the field with the Class of service indicator field setting), the Customer class of service will override the layout's class of service for customer information and distribution purposes. The layout's class of service will still determine what statement format is used for the document.


Specific to institutional databases. It identifies the institution a recipient belongs to. The institution number specified must be associated with an institution name available in the Institution Name drop-down menu in the Customer Information dialog box in the Client module. This recipient field must be assigned if the database associated with the Statement Composition process an institutional database. Failure to assign this field will result in no customer information being recognized or saved.


Populates the Password field in the Distribution Settings section of the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

CD Recipient

Populates the first address line in the CD DIstribution section of the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

CD Address

Populates the second address line in the CD DIstribution section of the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

CD City/State/Zip

Populates the third address line in the CD DIstribution section of the Customer Information: Recipient Name dialog box.

CD Statement Date

This will populate the database will the date that the recipient entered was last modified. MMDDYYYY and YYYYMMDD are acceptable date formats.


If values for Password, CD Recipient, CD Address, or CD City/State/Zip fields are already specified, the values from the Statement Composition process will not override the existing values. Existing values may have been entered by a previous Statement Composition process, a Dictionary Import Process, a Customer Importer Process, or were manually entered in the Customer Information dialog box.