ODF Toolbar - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

ODF Toolbar Options



Import object definitions

Browse to an existing .odf file to be imported into the Designer. Click OK on the Current object definition tree window to complete the import.

Edit object definitions

Displays the Create/edit object definition box. Click Create new object definition file to start a new file. If an .odf file is currently loaded in the Designer, click Edit the current object definitions button to make changes to it.

Indicator fields

Displays the Indicator lookup fields dialog box. To replace a field's value with text, highlight the field name and click Add. Enter the value (indicator lookup) to search in the Lookup key edit field. Enter the text with which to replace the field's value in the Replace with text box. Click Save when finished. Follow these steps to add multiple lookup keys for the same field or to add lookup keys for other fields. The <<Previous and Next>> buttons scroll through previously configured keys.

Save object definitions

Saves changes to the .odf file to the specified disk location.

View object tree

Displays a read-only version of the .odf file in the Current object definition tree window.

Verify objects

Displays information in the Usage verification log about objects not in use.

Unload object definitions

Closes the current .odf file in the Designer. On the Confirm operation dialog box, click Yes to continue.