Configuring a Job - Statement Composition - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Statement Composition

Statement Composition
Foundation 22.1

To configure a job:

  1. From the OnBase Client, click Processing | Process Jobs. The Process Jobs window is displayed. Right-click on a job and select Configure Job.
    Or, select the job to be configured from the Process Jobs window in the process queue, right-click and select Configure Job.
    The Process Job Configuration window is displayed.
  2. Configure a process format to add to the job:

    Process Job Parameter


    Process Format

    Select the process format to be incorporated in the process job. All available process formats are listed.

    Alternate Path

    Enter an alternate path to the data to be processed (i.e., the Default Directory) to use instead of the Default Directory configured for the selected process format.

    If an alternate path is not specified, the process format's Default Directory is used.

    Alternate Filename

    Enter an alternate file name for the data to be processed (i.e., the Default File Name) to use instead of the Default File Name configured for the selected process format.

    If an alternate file name is not specified, the process format's Default File Name is used.

    Alternate Disk Group

    Enter an alternate Disk Group to store the data being processed instead of the Disk Group configured for the selected process format.

    If an alternate Disk Group is not specified, the process format's default Disk Group is used.

    Language Conversion

    Select the language associated with the ASCII code page that created the import file. If a language conversion is not specified, the process format's Language Conversion setting is respected.


    This setting is only used for legacy language conversions. The option <NO CONVERSION> should be selected when configuring process settings.

    Store Document Indices

    Select this option to store the processed documents in the database, along with their Keyword Values and document name.

    This option is enabled by default.

    Store Document Data Files

    Select this option to move the data file to the configured Disk Group after the process is complete.

    This option is enabled by default.

    Store Import File

    Select to store a copy of the index file used to import documents into OnBase for archive purposes.


    This option is not supported for use with modules that do not support the Store Import File processing option. See the configuration section of the appropriate module reference guide or help file to find out whether or not the Store Import File processing option is supported for a module.

    Create Auto Folder

    Select to provide the ability to Auto-Folder documents upon processing.

    See the Folders module reference guide or help files for additional information regarding Auto-Foldering.


    Not all processors offer the ability to Auto-Folder documents upon processing.

    Default Keywords

    Click the Default Keywords button to select Keyword Types and Values that are displayed in the Batch Name for that Process Job when it is processed.

    These Keyword Types and Values are also displayed at the top of the Verification Report for that job.


    Only Keyword Types that have been configured for Document Types used in the Process Job are selectable.


    If a check process format is configured as part of the job, the Default Keywords button is disabled when the job is selected.

    Disallow job date override

    Select this option to prevent users from overriding the specified job date.

    Halt Processing After Error

    Select this option to halt processing for the process job if the configured process format generates an error. Any other process formats configured for the process job will not be processed.


    These settings allow a user-defined Document Date to be stored for the processed documents. This date is used as the %D parameter that appears in the document's Auto-Name string.

  3. Click Add.
  4. Repeat Step 2 for each process format that you would like to add to the job.
    Process jobs are run in the order in which they display on the screen. Re-sequence a job by selecting it and clicking the Up or Down buttons.