Statement Composition utilizes a COLD processor to import the statements into OnBase. Within the Object Definition Editor, you must specify the ID string to indicate the start of a new statement and the document type within which to store the document. You can specify any number of ID strings to include all possible document types within the file.
The document type specified in the Object Definition Editor can be overridden by selecting a document type while configuring a class of service.
To configure an ID string using the Object Definition Editor:
If you are creating the .odf file using a text editor, these are the entries that you must add, after the last </OBJ> tag, and before the ending </OBJDESC> tag:
<DOCID> 200 </DOCID>
<ROW> 2 </ROW>
The entire identification string configuration section is enclosed in CONFIGBLOCK tags.
The number following the DOCTYPE tag is the document type number, as listed on the Document Types dialog box.
The DOCID is the identification string and the ROW and COLUMN entries indicate the location of the first occurrence of that document type in the file.