Managing Command-Line Switches in the OnBase Configuration Module - Storage Integration for EMC Centera - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Storage Integration for EMC Centera®

Storage Integration for EMC Centera
Foundation 23.1

The command-line options applied to a Distributed Services server can be centrally managed using the OnBase Configuration module.


The Distributed Centera Services Server must be started as an administrator under Windows User Account Control for the error-logging switches to function correctly. To launch an application as an administrator, right click the shortcut with the switches applied and select Run as Administrator.

To add, remove, or update the command-line options on a DCS server:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Distributed Centera Services from the Disk Mgmt | Distributed Services menu. The Distributed Centera Services Setup dialog is displayed.
  2. Under Servers, select the Distributed Services server you want to edit the command-line options for.
  3. Click Settings. The Server Options dialog is displayed.
  4. Select the Switch Settings tab:

    The settings in the Switch Settings Source pane are informational only and cannot be changed.

  5. Add or remove switches by selecting or deselecting the following options under Command Line Switches. These options correspond to the actual command-line switches.

    Adding or removing command-line switches using the Server Options dialog box causes the settings to be written to the INI file. However, if the distributed services server is launched as an application instead of a service, the switches actually applied to the command-line override the settings in the INI file.

    Switch Settings Option

    Command-Line Switch

    Log File Full Path

    -logpath =”path”

    Specifies a log file to write to, where path is the full path to the file.

    Keep Log


    To append new log files to a single log file, enter 0 as the Keep Log value. The date/time entry is stamped when DDS is started or stopped.

    You can also specify that a set number of archived logs be kept. A new log is created each time the distributed services server is restarted. To accomplish this, set the -keeplog switch equal to the number of logs you want to retain. For example, if you want to allow 5 logs to be kept at a time, apply -keeplog=5. The distributed services server always writes to the log.txt file. When the server is restarted, the old log.txt file is renamed to log_1.txt. The next restart creates the next log as archive log_2.txt, and so on, until the maximum number is reached. Once the maximum number of logs is reached, the log_1.txt file is dropped and each subsequent archived log is renamed, such that log_2.txt becomes log_1.txt, and so on.


    If you change the number you specify to a number smaller than the current setting, the logs that have numbers surpassing the new maximum are not deleted or overwritten with new logs.

    Number of Threads


    Controls the number of threads in the thread pool. The default setting is 10; the minimum is 5.

    Do not use a number over 20 without first consulting Technical Support.

    WORM Compatibility


    Enabling WORM Compatibility prevents the OnBase.ID from being marked as read-only.



    This switch enables logging to the error log for the purpose of troubleshooting problems.


    Use of this switch may negatively impact the performance speed of the service.

    Connection Timeout in Minutes


    This switch keeps the connection open for a configurable amount of time. This can be used in instances such as when viewing many documents for lengthy amounts of time or in poor network conditions. The default setting is 480 minutes.


    The minimum time that can be set is 480 minutes and the maximum is 1440 minutes.

    Override Name


  6. Select the switches to add to the DCS server and enter in the corresponding field the value the switch holds.

    The Port value is set under the Database Settings tab and cannot be changed under the Switch Settings tab.

  7. Select Restart server now to apply new switches to restart the DCS server with the new settings when you click OK.
  8. Click OK to save your settings and restart the service, if selected.