Disk Group Configuration for EMC Centera - Storage Integration for EMC Centera - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Storage Integration for EMC Centera®

Storage Integration for EMC Centera
Foundation 23.1

To configure a Disk Group copy for use with Centera :

  1. In the Configuration module, select Disk Mgmt | Disk Groups. The Disk Group Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Type the name of the new Disk Group in the Disk Group Name field and click Create.

    An existing Disk Group copy can be converted to a Centera copy as long as it is used for secondary Mass Storage or Backup. See Converting Existing Disk Group Copies to Centera.

  3. Specify the appropriate volume size and copies at the Disk Group Settings dialog box.

    At least two copies must be specified. The first Mass Storage copy can not be designated for use with Centera . Only secondary Mass Storage copies or Backup copies can be configured for use with Centera .

  4. The Create Disk Group Copy dialog is displayed for Copy 1. Enter the directory where you want to mount the first copy of the disk group and click Save.
  5. The Create Disk Group Copy dialog is displayed for Copy 2.
  6. Select EMC Centera under the Copy Options.
  7. Select Mass Storage or Backup.
  8. Click Save. The EMC Centera Server Settings dialog is displayed.
  9. Enter values for each parameter:

    Tivoli Server Settings


    Internal Server Name

    An alphanumeric label that relates the Tivoli Server, specified in the Tivoli Server Address field, with the disk group. This name must be unique for every disk group.


    The Internal Server Name field is limited to 50 characters and can only contain alphanumeric characters (i.e., a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _).

    Tivoli Server Address

    This value identifies the Tivoli server in the network, and must be entered as the server's IP address or the computer name of the server.


    The number of the port used by the Tivoli server. The default value of 1500 can be used in most cases.


    The password for the Tivoli server's OnBase_USER client node.

    Centera Server Setting


    Internal Server Name

    An alphanumeric label that corresponds to the Centera server. This name must be unique for every Disk Group.


    The Internal Server Name field is limited to 50 characters and can only contain alphanumeric characters (i.e., a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _).

    Centera Server Address

    The address of the Centera server on the network. It must be entered as the server's IP address or the computer name of the server.

    More than one TCP/IP address can be entered, separated by a comma with no spaces. If the default Centera server port (3218) is not being used, you must include the port number with each address. For example, to use port 1234 instead of the default port, append the port number to each address using a colon: :1234, :1234, :1234. The same port number does not have to be used for each address.


    The Centera Server Address field is limited to 255 characters.


    The port used by the Centera server. 3218 is the default value.

    If more than one server address is listed in the Centera Server Address field, the port number in the Port field is only applied to the last address in the list. If the other server addresses in the list do not specify a port, the default Centera port (3218) is applied to them, no matter what value is configured in the Port field.

    For example, if the Centera Server Address field contains,, and the Port value is set to 1234 , it will only be applied to the last address in the list ( The other addresses in the list ( and will use port 3218. For this reason, it is a best practice to set the Port value to 0 when multiple server addresses are being configured, then specify the port to use in each server address in the Centera Server Address field (for example,,,

    PEA File Path

    This setting is optional.

    If a PEA (Pool Entry Authorization) file is being used, enter the path to the file in this field. The PEA file is created by the administrator of the Centera storage system.

    Alternatively, name=username, secret=password can be entered in this field, where name and secret are valid log in credentials for the Centera machine.


    The PEA File Path field is limited to 255 characters. PEA File Path values of 127 characters or less are encrypted. Paths between 128 and 255 characters long are saved but are not encrypted.

  10. Click Save. The new Centera Disk Group is displayed in the configured Disk Group list of the Disk Group Configuration dialog.

    If you are using Centera in 2-Tier Mode, Centera 2-Tier Loaded is listed in the System Status box in the Client module.