Installation - Storage Integration for EMC Centera - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Storage Integration for EMC Centera®

Storage Integration for EMC Centera
Foundation 23.1

If permissions are sufficient for users to access the Disk Groups outside of OnBase the DCS server is not used.

Before beginning the installation:

  • Ensure that you are installing the appropriate version of Storage Integration for EMC Centera® for the version of OnBase you are using. Contact your first line of support for more information.

  • All clients accessing the Storage Integration for EMC Centera® (DCS) server must have unrestricted access to the DCS port on the server that is functioning as the connection to the OnBase Disk Groups.

The installation of Storage Integration for EMC Centera® involves the following components:

  • Server Application that works with the OnBase Client and Configuration modules.

  • Applicable SDK.

  • Configuration of the DCS server(s) in the OnBase Configuration module prior to use.