Installing DDS as a Service - Storage Integration for EMC Centera - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Storage Integration for EMC Centera®

Storage Integration for EMC Centera
Foundation 23.1

If you want your Storage Integration for EMC Centera® server to be run as a service, you must install the OnBase DCS server service. Installing the server as a service ensures the server will always be running, even when a user is not logged in.


The Storage Integration for EMC Centera® Server must be started as an administrator under Windows User Account Control for the installation to be successful. To launch an application as an administrator, right click the executable ( CenteraService.exe ) and select Run as Administrator. You are prompted to enter the administrator's user name and password before proceeding.


If DCS is already running as an application, the service will not start once the installation is complete.

To install this service:

  1. Copy the CenteraService.exe server executable to a server where the Disk Group copies are stored.
  2. Create a shortcut to the executable and append the -configmode switch to the Target of the shortcut.
  3. Right-click the shortcut and select Run as Administrator.
  4. Under Service Controls, select Install Service.
  5. Input any desired command line switches into the Command Line field.
  6. Under Server Settings select Set Command Line and exit the Server Settings.
  7. Right-click on My Computer and select Manage. The Computer Management dialog box is displayed.
  8. Expand Services and Applications.
  9. Select Services. The Services window is displayed.
  10. Right click the Hyland Centera Service entry and select Properties.
  11. On the Log On tab, select This account.
  12. Enter the user name and password of the service account you created.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click Start to start the service, then close the Services window.

    The DCS icon is only displayed in the system tray if the service account is set to System and the Allow service to interact with desktop check box is selected.