ORB Connection Error - Storage Integration for EMC Centera - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Storage Integration for EMC Centera®

Storage Integration for EMC Centera
Foundation 23.1

If an ORB connection error is encountered, confirm that the TCP and UDP protocols are open in both directions and that the IP address and port for the server are configured correctly.

This error can also be encountered when attempting to update the Encryption Key. Under some circumstances, such as when the Encryption Key was rotated three or more times when the distributed services server was offline, you may have to reset encryption on the distributed services server to use the default key before you can update the Encryption Key.

To reset the Encryption Key on the distributed services server:

  1. Stop the distributed services service, if applicable.
  2. Apply the -configmode switch to the command line of the shortcut to the distributed services executable ( CenteraService.exe ).
  3. Launch the server by double clicking the shortcut.

    When running under Windows Server 2012R2, the service must be launched with elevated user permissions by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the Run as administrator option. You may be prompted to input the administrator user name and password.

  4. Click Reset Encryption under Server Settings.

    You are not prompted to confirm this action. The Encryption Key is reset to the default key.

  5. Click Exit to exit Server Configuration Mode.
  6. Remove the -configmode command line switch from the shortcut.
  7. Update the Encryption Key (see Validating, Updating, or Rotating the Encryption Key in the Configuration chapter of this manual).
  8. Restart the distributed services service, if applicable.