Disk Group configuration allows for integration with a Centera storage system. The following items should be considered when configuring a Disk Group to use Centera:
Centera cannot be used for Copy 1 (uncommitted).
Centera can only be used for Mass Storage or Backup copies.
Frequently accessed content should be stored on a Mass Storage copy.
Centera should be used for the less frequent access of older content (near line).
Configuring OnBase to have multiple Centera Disk Group copies increases the space required by Centera to store a file but does not necessarily create another copy of the file because Centera does not create multiple copies of the same file, it only creates additional references to that file unless the file is small enough to be embedded in the C-Clip Descriptor File (CDF).
Additional setup is required if Centera will be used in conjunction with a Distributed Centera Services (DCS).
Because of Centera's built in redundancy, the most common configuration is for Copy 1 to be a Mass Storage device and Copy 2 to be a Centera Backup. If your Disk Group design contains only two copies and Copy 2 is configured as a Backup copy (instead of Mass Storage) the Administrator has more control over when the write to Centera occurs, compensating for slower system performance during the Centera write process, but it also means that only one copy of imported documents exists until the documents have been backed up.
For organizations that want users to frequently commit data and still maintain high performance, three Disk Group copies should be configured, the first two being Mass Storage and the third the Backup copy.