- ID(long)
The ID of the document.
- RevisionID (long)
The ID of the revision for the document.
- RenditionID (long)
The file type of a revision of the document.
- TypeName (string)
The Document Type name of the document.
- TypeID (long)
The Document Type ID of the document.
- Name (string)
The auto-name string of the document, generated by OnBase.
- Date (System.DateTime)
The document date of the document.
- DateStored (System.DateTime)
The date the document was stored.
- Institution (System.Nullable<long>)
The Institution ID number of the document, if applicable, or null, if not.
- DocumentTypeGroupName (string)
The Document Type Group name of the Document Type that the document belongs to.
- DocumentTypeGroupID (long)
The Document Type Group ID of the Document Type that the document belongs to.