Members - Storage Integration for Third Party ECM Systems - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Storage Integration for Third Party ECM Systems

Storage Integration for Third Party ECM Systems
Foundation 22.1
ActionNum (EventManagerDocumentEventType)

A set of flags that represent the type of actions that occurred on the document (see ActionNum).

DataExtension (string)

The extension of the file being delivered as part of the message.

DefaultAlias (string)

The default alias of the file being delivered as part of the message.

Document (DocumentInfo)

A class that represents the document metadata as provided by OnBase(see DocumentInfo).

ImpactedAliases (System.Collections.Generic.List<string>)

If a delete, purge, or modify event occurs in OnBase, this member contains the unique alias IDs of the documents in the third-party system that were affected. The unique IDs of the documents in the third-party system were supplied by third-party application when page streams were requested. OnBase no longer tracks events on the aliases supplied.

KeywordRecords (KeywordRecordsInfo)

The Keyword records for the document (see KeywordRecordInfoList).

SubactionNum (EventManagerDocumentEventFlags)

A set of flags that represent additional event information, based on the actions (see SubactionNum).

TotalContentParts (long)

A whole number representing the total number of files that comprise a single document. This only applies to actions for changes to the document content (such as archive, update, or new revision/rendition). For actions that only affect the document metadata (such as re-indexing) the value is always 1.

Data (System.IO.Stream)

The file data of the file being delivered as part of the message.