Retrieval Options - System Administration - Cloud - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Essential - Standard - Premier

Cloud System Administration

System Administration - Cloud
Foundation 23.1

The settings under Retrieval Options detail how a document of the selected Document Type is retrieved in OnBase clients.

The following settings are available under Retrieval Options:


Changes to the Document Type's page are not saved until you click Save.

Retrieval Option Description
Retrieval List Sort Order

This setting defines the sort criteria for documents returned from a Document Search Results list.

The options in the Retrieval List Sort Order drop-down menu include:

  • No particular order (fast): Documents are retrieved quickly but in a random order.

  • Document Date - Newest First: Retrieved documents are ordered by their Document Date, with the most recent documents appearing higher on the list.

  • Document Date - Oldest First: Retrieved documents are ordered by their Document Date, with the oldest documents appearing higher on the list.

  • Document Handle - Newest First: Retrieved documents are ordered by their Document Handle, with the most recent documents appearing higher on the list.

  • Document Handle - Oldest First: Retrieved documents are ordered by their Document Handle, with the oldest documents appearing higher on the list.

Unrestricted Query Warning

This setting determines whether users are met with a warning when performing a search without keyword restrictions. The warning states that the query will take a long time if no search criteria or Keyword Values are entered to narrow the search.

The options in the Unrestricted Query Warning drop-down menu can be divided into three main selections:

  • No Warning: When selected, OnBase returns the queried documents without displaying an unrestricted query message.

  • Warn and Run: When selected, a warning message is displayed when a user attempts to run an unrestricted query. When this message is displayed to the user, he or she can click Yes to perform the query anyway or click No to cancel the query or modify it to limit the search results.

    The Unrestricted Query Warning is set to request the user to enter additional information for a faster search. This information could be a date, a keyword, a date or keyword, or a date and keyword. A user may continue to run a query without providing this information if Warn and Run is selected.

  • Warn and Cancel: When selected, a warning message is displayed when a user attempts to run an unrestricted query. A user must enter search criteria or the search cannot be performed.

    The Unrestricted Query Warning is set to require the user to enter additional information for their search. This information could be a date, a keyword, a date or keyword, or a data and keyword.


When a user is a member of a User Group with the Override Query Restrictions Product Right, the Warn and Cancel settings function the same way as the Warn and Run settings.