The Users page allows you to add accounts to OnBase.
To create a user in the OnBase Administration Portal:
From the sidebar, under Security, click
The Users page is displayed.
Click Create User.
The first page of the Create User wizard, the General page, is displayed.
- In the Username field, enter the username for the user.
- In the Real Name field, enter the full name of the user.
- In the Email field, enter the email address used to contact the user.
From the Account Type drop-down menu, select
User to create a standard user account.
The creation of Service Accounts is not currently supported in the OnBase Administration Portal.
Click Next Step.
The Password page is displayed.
- In the Password field, enter a password for the user.
Under Password Mode, select how the password is
implemented when the user first logs in.
Password Mode Description Temporary Password The user will be prompted to create a new password on their first login. Standard Password The user will not be prompted to create a new password. -
Click Next Step.
The Security page is displayed.
In the User Groups table, click a User Group to assign
the user to that User Group or click Select All to assign
users to all of the listed User Groups. Assigned User Groups are displayed in
the Assigned table.
You may also filter the list of User Groups by entering text in the Search User Groups field. Using the Select All option after filtering the list of available User Groups allows you to assign a user to multiple User Groups at once.
- To remove a user from an assigned User Group, click a User Group listed in the Assigned table. To remove a user from all of their assigned User Groups at once, click Unselect All.
Click Create User.
A message is displayed stating that the user is created.
Click View User to navigate to the newly created user's
page and configure settings for the user. For more information, see Editing User Information.
Click Create Another User to begin creating an additional user account.
Click Done to return to the Users page.