The Document Types page allows you to add Document Types to OnBase.
To create a Document Type in the OnBase Administration Portal:
From the sidebar, under Documents & Metadata, click
Document Types.
The Document Types page is displayed.
The Document Types page is displayed.
Click Create Document Type.
The first page of the Create Document Type wizard, the General page, is displayed.
- In the Name field, enter the name of the Document Type.
- From the Document Type Group drop-down menu, select the Document Type Group.
- From the Default File Format drop-down menu, select the default file type characteristics for the Document Type (such as "Image File Format", "PDF", or "Unity Form").
- From the Default Disk Group drop-down menu, select the storage location for the data files of the Document Type.
Click Next Step.
The Keywords page is displayed.
To assign individual Keyword Types to the Document Type:
- Click Keyword Types.
- Filter the list of Keyword Types by entering text in the Search Keyword Types field.
- Click a Keyword Type from the Keyword Types list. Assigned Keyword Types are displayed in the Assigned table with a key symbol () next to its name.
To assign Keyword Type Groups to the Document Type:
- Click Keyword Type Groups.
- Filter the list of Keyword Type Groups by entering text in the Search Keyword Type Groups field.
Click a Keyword Type Group from the Keyword Type
Groups list. Assigned Keyword Type Groups are displayed
in the Assigned table with a folder symbol
() next to
its name.
You may see which Keyword Types are included in a Keyword Type Group by hovering your cursor over the information symbol () next to its name.
- To remove an assigned Keyword Type or Keyword Type Group from the Document Type, click a Keyword Type or Keyword Type Group listed in the Assigned table.
- To reorder how Keyword Types are displayed in the Assigned table, click the Sort symbol () to the left of its name and drag the item up or down the list.
Click Next Step.
The Security page is displayed.
In the User Groups table, click a User Group to assign
that User Group to the Document Type or click Select All
to assign all of the listed User Groups to the Document Type. Assigned User
Groups are displayed in the Assigned table.
You may also filter the list of User Groups by entering text in the Search User Groups field. Using the Select All option after filtering the list of available User Groups allows you to assign multiple User Groups at once.
- To remove an assigned User Group from the Document Type, click a User Group listed in the Assigned table. To remove all of the assigned User Groups at once, click Unselect All.
Click Create Document Type.
A message is displayed stating that the Document Type is created.
Click View Document Type to navigate to the newly
created Document Type's page and configure settings for the Document Type. For
more information, see Editing Document Type Settings.
Click Create Another Document Type to begin creating an additional Document Type.
Click Done to return to the Document Types page.