Document Maintenance from OnBase Web Client - System Administration - Cloud - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Cloud System Administration

System Administration - Cloud
Foundation 24.1

Document Maintenance contains all documents users have deleted from the system. From Document Maintenance, you can permanently purge documents or restore items deleted by users.

To access the Document Maintenance dialog box, you must have the Document/Folder Purge privilege. Typically, this is a system administrator privilege, and not available to all users.

  1. From the Main Menu button, select Admin | Document Maintenance. The Document Maintenance window displays all documents (to which you have rights) that have been sent to the trash.
  2. To view the deleted documents in Document Maintenance, perform one of the following:
    • Search for items by either Date Deleted, Deleted by, Document Handle (From- To),Keywords (First Name, Last Name, Number of Days Requested, Date) through the search panel.
    • Sort items by clicking the following column headers:
      • Document Handle- document's unique identifying number

      • Deleted By- the user who deleted the document

      • Date Deleted- the date the document was deleted

      • Document Name- the Auto-Name of the document

      • Document Type- Document Type name

    Note: You can view a document in Document Maintenance by double-clicking it. To view multiple documents, hold down the CTRL key while clicking the documents you'd like to view. You can also hold down the SHIFT key and click the first and last documents in the range desired. Once the documents are selected, hold down the CTRL key and double-click one of the selected documents.