Purge Options - System Administration - Cloud - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Cloud System Administration

System Administration - Cloud
Foundation 24.1

After the Schedule Configuration options are configured on the Schedule Configuration tab, you must configure the Purge Options.

To configure Purge Options for a scheduled document purge process:

  1. From the Schedule Management window, click the Purge Options tab to display the Purge Options.
  2. Set the following Purge Options. These options can be used in conjunction with one another and all, some or none of the options need to be selected.
    • To limit the number of documents that can be purged by one process, select the Limit Documents per Batch check box and enter the maximum number of documents that can be purged by one process in the associated field.

    • To limit the amount of time that one process can run, select the Limit Processing Time (minutes) check box and enter the maximum amount of time a scheduled purge may run (in minutes) in the associated field.

    • To only purge documents that have been in Document Maintenance for a specified amount of time, select the Require Minimum Time in Trash (days) check box and enter the minimum number of days that a document must have resided in Document Maintenance before it can be purged in the associated field.

    • To only purge documents from a certain Document Type Group, select the Restrict to Document Type Group check box and select the Document Type Group from the associated drop-down.

  3. When you are finished configuring the Purge Options, click Apply.