Export to DIP File - System Administration - Cloud - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Cloud System Administration

System Administration - Cloud
Foundation 24.1

Users accessing the Client from the Hyland Cloud need to set up the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) before being able to export to a DIP file. For more information, see Upload Through the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

Export to DIP File creates a Self-Configuring DIP file that contains descriptors for each of the selected documents, including the Document Type, Keyword Values, Volume information, file size, system item number, File Type number, file name, and file location. The Self-Configuring DIP file can then be used by the Document Import Processor (DIP) to import the associated documents and their descriptors into another system. In some cases, this option will be disabled.


You must have the Document Properties Privilege in order to Export to DIP File. You must have a Document Import Processor license in order to use DIP for importing documents into the system.


The Export to DIP File option is disabled if the volume(s) you are trying to export is/are full-text index Disk Group(s).

  1. From the Configuration module, select the document(s) to be included in the Self-Configuring DIP file using one of the following methods:
    • From the Document Search Results list, select the documents individually.

    • Select Admin | Platter Management in to access the Platter Management window. Select the volume(s) of the Disk Group that contain(s) the data to be exported.


    In order to prevent multiple copies of revisionable documents from being exported, a document is only exported via Self-Configured DIP from an entire volume if the first page of first revision of the document is stored on the volume. If the first page of the first revision of the document is stored on that volume, all pages, revisions and renditions of that document are included in the Import Index file, even if they reside on a different volume.

  2. Right-click and select Export to DIP File.
  3. If you selected documents from the Document Search Results list, the Save As dialog box is displayed.

    If you selected a Disk Group volume, the Export to DIP dialog box is displayed.

  4. Browse to the location where you would like to save the Import Index file. The system automatically generates the .txt file with its predefined tags. See the table below for descriptions of each field in the file.

    Predefined Tag

    Value Associated with Predefined Tag


    >>>>Self Configuring Tagged DIP<<<<

    Indicates the start of the DIP file. (Required)

    Each tag included once per Self-configuring DIP file.


    Indicates the end of the documents and the beginning of the footer. (Required)


    Indicates the start of a document. (Required)

    Each tag included once per document


    Document Type name - this Document Type must already exist in the new system before using the Self-configuring DIP file for import. (Required)


    Document Date - the date must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY.


    Volume Number for the Disk Group. (Required for Import Disk Group DIP)


    Offset of the document in a larger text file - this tag is used only on text documents.

    Each tag included once per file name.


    Size of the file.


    Page number of this revision.


    File Type number for this revision.


    File path and name relative to the Disk Group volume file path. - the Disk Group volume file path is set up at the beginning of the process. (REQUIRED for Import and Foreign Disk Group DIP)

    Volume Footer

    After the END: tag, a number of rows display:

    The first row is the Disk Group number followed by the InstallID field.

    The first row is the Disk Group number followed by the InstallID field.

    Every volume that is referenced in the import Disk Group DIP file needs to have a row and size in the footer.



    If no path is specified for an import Disk Group DIP, then the operator will need to enter the path when the DIP job is processed.

    If no footer exists or if no path is specified for a foreign Disk Group DIP, then the operator will have to enter the Disk Group and path when the DIP job is processed.


    All other tags are assumed to be Keyword Type names. The Keyword Types must exist in the destination system and be spelled exactly the same as the tags. Date Keyword Types must be in MM/DD/YYYY format. Currency Keyword Types must be in $99999.99 format.

  5. If you selected documents from the Document Search Results list, click Save.
    If you selected a Disk Group volume:
    1. In the Export Options section, select the Selected Volume(s) radio button to create a DIP Import Index file for only the currently-selected volume. Select All Volumes to create a DIP Import Index file for all volumes of the selected Disk Group.
    2. Select the Single File radio button to create a single DIP Import Index file for all of the selected Disk Group volumes. Select One File Per Volume to create an individual Import Index file for each selected volume of the Disk Group.
    3. Click Save.