A Cache is a storage mechanism that can be defined for the system to act as a "pre-fetching" facility. Documents can be held in this storage area to decrease retrieval time.
Multiple Caches can be defined on a wide area network (WAN) to locally store documents from the system onto local file servers. A document will be retrieved from a cache when the document has been stored in a cache and the workstation is configured to look in the cache. This improves retrieval time since the cache can be set up locally while the actual document is still stored remotely across the WAN.
The interface for placing documents into a cache is through the Workflow module. There are two available actions that can be used in Workflow, Push to Cache and Purge Cache. Only Document Types that have been configured in its settings to allow caching will be moved to a cache on the Push to Cache action. Purge Cache will delete the local copies of documents currently in the cache.
When a document has been retrieved, the left side of the status bar, at the bottom of the document screen, will list the cache from which the document has been retrieved, or it will list the Disk Group storage, volume, and platter copy number. Example:
To Create a Cache:
In addition to these steps, the following must be configured for the cache to be successfully configured:
Document Types that should use the cache must have the Allow File Caching setting selected.
Users that need to use the cache must have the cache configured in the Client Workstation Options dialog box's Document tab.