Configuring Custom Queries - System Administration - On-Premises - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 22.1
  1. In the Configuration module, select Queries | Custom Queries. The Custom Query dialog box is displayed.
  2. To edit an existing query, select the appropriate query from the Custom Query Name list and click Settings. To create a new query, enter a unique name for the new query in the field at the bottom of the dialog box and click Create.
  3. If you created a new Custom Query, Assign Custom Query to User Group is displayed. Select all User Groups that will have rights to the query and click Add. Click Close. The Custom Query Options dialog box is displayed.
  4. In the Instructions field, type instructions for users who will be retrieving documents with this Custom Query. The instructions you enter are displayed in the OnBase Custom Query dialog box.

    If your Custom Query is configured to search a Document Type, Document Type Group, or Folder Type, leaving the Instructions field blank will display the default instructions Search for: on your Custom Query.

  5. Select a Custom Query Type. Additional configuration options are limited to those appropriate to the Custom Query Type.
    • By Document Type

      If this option is selected, you can select the Sort by Document Type option, which allows you to specify what order the selected Document Types are displayed in the Client. This option enables the Move Up and Move Down buttons when configuring the selected Document Types.


      The Sort by Document Type option is not supported if you have configured one or more Sort Columns.

      Select Restrict by Rights if the Custom Query should return only documents that users have rights to view. Otherwise, all documents that satisfy Custom Query parameters are returned. Users still can open only documents that they have rights to view.


      The Restrict by Rights setting is only respected by the OnBase Client. In clients that require a Web or Application server, such as the Unity Client, all queries are run as if Restrict by Rights is selected.

    • By Document Type Group

    • By Folder Type

      Select Sort by Folder Type if you want to specify the order in which folder results are displayed. This option enables the Move Up and Move Down buttons when you later assign Folder Types to the Custom Query.

      Select Restrict by Rights if the Custom Query should return only folders that users have rights to view. Otherwise, all folders that satisfy Custom Query parameters are returned. Users still can open only folders that they have rights to view.


      The Restrict by Rights setting is only respected by the OnBase Client. In clients that require an Application Server or Web Server, such as the Unity Client or Web Client, all queries are run as if Restrict by Rights is selected.

    • By Keyword

    • Custom Written SQL

      A SQL Custom Query provides the most control over the retrieved documents, by allowing you to specify a database query. This option requires extensive knowledge of the system and must be configured correctly.

      To configure a SQL query, see Configuring Custom Queries - SQL Query.


      When Custom Written SQL is selected, Date Search Options options are not available.

    • Full Text

      Full Text Custom Queries are only available if your database is licensed for Full-Text Search. To configure a Full Text Custom Query, see Configuring Custom Queries - Full Text.


    Full Text Custom Queries are supported in the OnBase Client, Web Client, Unity Client, and Unity API.

  6. Select Keyword Edit Fields to allow users to retrieve documents based on Keyword Values. You will specify the Keyword Type fields that will be available to the user by further configuring your query with the appropriate Custom Query dialog box button (Document Types Query, Document Type Group Query, Folder Type Query, or Keyword Query).
    • Select Keyword Select List to allow users to select a Keyword Value from a drop-down list of Keyword Values from that Keyword Type's Data Set.

    • Select Value Operators to display a drop-down list of Keyword Value operators such as =, >, <, etc. to the left of the Keyword Type field.

    • Select Binary Operators to add a logical operator button to the right of the Keyword Type field. The user can choose to use AND and OR logical operators. The OR logical operator is an option only when more than one Keyword Type field are displayed for the Keyword Type. This option cannot be changed on the last Keyword Type field. The default binary operator AND is assumed if the Binary Operators check box is not selected.

  7. Select the Text Search button to add a Text Search button to the Custom Query dialog box. This allows users to perform an external text search.

    Display Columns will not be respected when performing Text Search. Text Search results will be displayed in the External Text Search Results list window.

  8. Select Use HTML Form to present the Custom Query on an HTML form. Browse to the HTML form you wish to use for your query. You will need to map your HTML form fields to the system values on which you want to search. See Configuring HTML Forms for Custom Queries for more information.

    Your Custom Query is controlled by both the Keyword Types mapped to the form and those designated in your Custom Query configuration. For example, if you map a form field to the Keyword Type Account Number, then you should also assign Account Number as a retrieval Keyword Type in your Custom Query configuration.

  9. Use OR for duplicates applies to duplicate Keyword Type fields on an HTML form. If this option is selected, each value in duplicate Keyword Type fields will be searched for separately, as if the values were joined by the OR logical operator. For example, if an HTML form were configured with two Amount fields, a user could enter two different amounts and retrieve documents indexed with either amount.
    If this option is not selected, documents are retrieved only if they are indexed with each Keyword Value entered by the user. Values entered in duplicate Keyword Type fields will be treated as if they were joined by the AND logical operator.
  10. Select Minimize Duplicate Documents to only display unique results in the Document Search Results list. If a document matches multiple search criteria, it will only be displayed in the Document Search Results list once. When this setting is selected, multiple instances of the same document will still be returned for:
    • Documents that contain more than one unique Keyword Value for a Keyword Type when that Keyword Type is configured as a display column.

    • Documents that have multiple notes and Note Contents is configured as a display column.


      This option is not available if the Custom Query Type is Custom Written SQL.

  11. Workflow Filter configures a Custom Query to be used only as a Workflow filter and makes the query unavailable in the list of Custom Queries in OnBase. This option is only available if the By Document Type or the By Document Type Group query is selected, in addition to the Use HTML Form option.

    This option will be disabled if either the Keyword Edit Fields option or the Text Search Button option is selected.

    When deselecting this option for an existing custom query, you are prompted to remove all Workflow queue assignments for the query, as it can no longer be used in Workflow.

  12. Folder Filter configures a Custom Query to be used only as a folder filter and makes the query unavailable in the list of Custom Queries in OnBase. This option is only available if the By Document Type or the By Document Type Group query is selected This option will be disabled if either the Keyword Edit Fields option or the Text Search Button option is selected. For more information about folder filters, see the Folders and File Cabinets Help files.
  13. Mobile Device Accessible configures a Custom Query to be available for access by users on mobile devices.

    This option is not available for By Folder Type or Custom Written SQL Custom Queries.

  14. Select a retrieval option:
    • Select View Documents to display returned documents as open documents.


      The setting for Document Search, which is accessed through the OnBase(User | User Options, Document tab) controls when documents will be returned as open. The total number of returned documents must be fewer than the number of documents specified as Document Search.

    • Select View Selection List to display returned documents in a selection list. Selection lists allow you to double-click on a document to open it.

    • Return Reference is reserved for backward compatibility and should not be selected.

  15. Select a date option:
    • Select No Date to present the query without a date search option.

    • Select Single Date to present a single date field for searching.

    • Select Date Range to present a To and From date range search option.


    Options for Date Search Options are not available if the Custom Query Type is Custom Written SQL.

Additional query configuration is done through the Document Types Query, Document Type Group Query, Folder Type Query, Keyword Query, Default Date, and Icon buttons. The Custom Query Type you select determines which of the configuration buttons is available.


Users with rights to a Custom Query can use the Custom Query to view Document Search Results lists, regardless of whether they have viewing rights to the documents. The members of a user group with rights to a Custom Query cannot open documents belonging to Document Types that they do not have viewing rights to, but are able to view the list of documents and their Auto-Name strings in the Document Search Results list.