Configuring Import and Export Wizard Settings - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

You can configure how the Import and Export Wizards transfer packages.

To configure the Import and Export wizards:

  1. From the Configuration module, select Utils | Change Control | Settings.

    You can also access the Change Control Settings dialog box in the Import wizard from the gear icon on the right side of the Navigation bar.

    The Change Control Settings dialog box is displayed:

  2. Enter a directory path in the Change Control File Directory field, or click Select Directory to browse for and select a directory.

    A Change Control File Directory must be specified in order for users to perform an import.

    When specifying a directory, consider the following:

    • The specified directory must be accessible to all Application Servers and clients.

    • The specified directory must be writable by all Application Servers.

    • The Change Control File Directory is used during the import process to store external files associated with configuration items that are imported. After import, the imported external files are stored in a subdirectory of the specified directory.

    • An Import folder is created in the specified directory if one does not already exist.

  3. Select or enter a value for the following options:



    Maximum import file size (MB)

    Specifies the largest allowed file size (in megabytes) for a package being imported through the Import wizard.

    Package encryption password policy

    Enforces a password policy to encrypted export packages. When the administrator enters a password for an export package, the password must adhere to the selected password policy before the package is exported.

    Select None to allow the administrator to use a password that does not adhere to a password policy.

    For more information on password policies, see the section on enforcing user password security in the System Administration module reference guide.

    Force encryption on export

    When selected, selects and disables the Encrypt Export File option in the Export wizard. This forces the administrator to enter a password for the package being exported.

    When deselected, enables the Encrypt Export File option in the Export wizard. This allows the administrator to optionally enter a password for the package being exported.

    Prevent unencrypted packages from being imported

    When selected, only encrypted password-protected packages can be imported through the Import wizard.

    When deselected, any valid package can be imported through the Import wizard.

  4. Click Save.