Configuring a Text Cross-Reference Based on a Keyword Type - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

This type of text cross-reference directs OnBase to compare the identified, or "clicked" text in the primary Document Type to Keyword Values stored for the cross-referenced Document Type(s).

  1. In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types.
  2. At the Document Type dialog box, select the Document Type that will represent the source documents (e.g., the documents used to initiate the cross-reference). Click Cross-Reference.
  3. At the Cross-Reference Assignment dialog box, add one or more Document Types to be cross-referenced by selecting them from the Available Document Types list and clicking Add. To remove Document Types from the list, select them from the Selected Document Types list and click Remove.
  4. With the cross-referenced Document Type(s) selected, click Text.
  5. The Double Click Configuration dialog box displays. Two methods of cross-referencing can be configured at this dialog box:
    • Use the Use Keyword Type method to match any text value from the current document to the same value (stored as a Keyword Value) in the retrieved document(s).

    • The Use Clicked Text method directs OnBase to search the body of the text documents configured for retrieval.

  6. At the Double Click Configuration dialog box, select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type list. Documents that match the Keyword Value from the primary document will be returned upon double-clicking. The Keyword Type list reflects all configured Keyword Values in OnBase.

    Any Keyword Types selected as common Keyword Types at the Cross-Reference Keywords dialog box (Keyword-based cross-reference) do not appear in the Keyword Type select list.

  7. Specify desired Accept criteria for the Keyword Type matching. The accept criteria is enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.

    Accept criteria include:


    If a Keyword Type is specified and is anything other than an Alphanumeric Keyword Type, the Accept section will be unavailable to change and Numbers will be the default.

    • Numbers only allow cross-referencing for Keyword Types that are configured to a number value.

    • Characters only allow cross-referencing for Keyword Types that are configured to a character value.

    • Both allows cross-reference for both number and character values.

  8. Specify character-stripping options. See Character Stripping Options for more information.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Select Close to exit the dialog box.