A document's history is a log maintained by OnBase of all the actions performed on the selected document. If you have the appropriate administrative rights, you can view a history of the document that is currently open in the Document Viewer or displayed in the Document Search Results list. You cannot change any of the information in a document's history.
To view the history of an open document or a document in the Document Search Results list, right-click and select History.
The Document History window lists the past actions performed on the document. By default, the entries are sorted in descending order, with recent actions listed first.
The Document History window displays actions in the following columns:
Log Date
Lists the date when the action was performed. The date is formatted to correspond with the Windows Short Date format. This configuration can be found in Start | Control Panel | Regional and Language Options | Regional Options tab.
Log Time
Lists the time when the action was performed. This time is based on the time of the database server.
User Name
Lists the person logged on when the action was performed
Lists the action performed. Actions that can be logged depend on the modules your solution is licensed for.
Actions include, but are not limited to:
Viewing/creating/deleting a document
Creating a document from an existing document
Creating a revision/redaction
Checking out/in a document
Undoing a check out
Printing a document
Exporting/saving a document externally
Sending a document through internal mail or external mail
Saving a document's rotation
Adding/deleting a page
Reordering pages
Copying pages to a new document
Marking/unmarking a page for rescanning or scanning additional pages
Copying content from text/image documents to the clipboard
Creating/modifying/viewing/deleting a note
Viewing document Keyword Values
Adding/modifying/deleting a Keyword Value
Adding a signature to a document
Data mining a document
Note:The Replace Keywords action in the Configuration module is not logged in a document's history log.
Lists the Document Handle and the Auto-Name of the document