Importing Documents in the Client Module - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

The Client module primarily provides access to documents that have already been brought into the system. In most cases, documents are brought into the system by modules designed to import large quantities of documents during a single import process, such as the Document Import Processor (DIP) Computer Output to Laser Disc (COLD), and Imaging modules.

The Client module is not designed to import large quantities of documents during a single import. Instead, the Client module allows you to import documents one at a time by selecting File | Import, or dragging and dropping a single document from a file management program to the system desktop.


The EDM Services module provides the ability to import multiple documents using the drag-and-drop import method.


File formats available for indexing upon manual import depend on your system setup and the File Format itself (certain File Formats are only available through document processes or system functions).


Unless otherwise noted, OnBase does not support the import of files larger than 2 GB.


The Windows® operating system architecture allows for a maximum number of items to be viewed in a list. Therefore, OnBase users will be able to view only the first 65,543 documents in a list generated by a process or retrieval.