Creating Keyword Lists - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

The Create Keyword List right-click option creates a text (.txt) or comma-separated values (.csv) file that can be viewed or manipulated by other programs, or can be used with an AutoFill Keyword Processor.


In order to be able to use the Create Keyword List function, a user must have the Create List Report and View Keywords privileges.

To create a text or comma-separated values file listing Keyword Values:

  1. Select the documents in the Document Search Results list or select that batch from which you would like to extract Keyword Values.
  2. Right-click and select Create Keyword List. The Generate List Report Based on Keywords dialog box displays.
  3. Add Keyword Types to the Selected box.

    Depending on your system's configuration, you may be unable to view certain Keyword Types. These Keyword Types will not be included in the CSV file.

  4. Choose your Report Options. See the table below:




    Define the character that encloses each field value in the customer file

    Single Quote: '596 Main St.', 'Minneapolis, MN 59634'

    Double Quote: "596 Main St.", "Minneapolis, MN 59634"

    None: 596 Main St., Minneapolis, MN 59634

    Delimiters are commonly used when a separator is present within the field.

    Custom Separator

    Allows you to specify a character other than Newline or Tab as the separator.

    In the text box, place a specific character or use a \ (back slash) and the ASCII code for the character in the decimal format.

    Example: If a dollar sign separates the fields, input $ or \36 in the text box.

    Newline Separator

    Indicates to the processor that each field appears on a new line.

    Tab Separator

    Indicates the presence of a tab character between the fields.

    Add Keyword Type Name Header Row

    Creates a header row to identify the Keyword Type fields to the specific Keyword Type.

    Date Separator

    Allows the user to select the separator character used in Date and Date & Time Keyword Types. By default, the separator character is set to /.

  5. Browse to the directory where you want the text or comma-separated values file to be saved. Specify a file name with a .txt or .csv extension.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click OK.

    The Keyword List Report only shows the first instance of each Keyword Value on the document.